The Truth about Amber Thurman

Amber Thurman’s name has become a rallying cry of the radical pro abortion elite; the tragedy of her death has been weaponized to turn mothers against their children and justify the horrific violence of abortion against the pre-born.

But the truth is a far cry from the political slogans and the sensationalized media headlines. More tragically, the deception surrounding her death will lead more women to fatal abortion complications unless we reveal the truth!

What really happened to Amber Thurman? Lies will cost more women their lives, but the truth will save women and their children from the danger of abortion. The answer to this question is critical if we truly want to protect women.

Dangerous Disregulation

The FDA removed regulations regarding the gestational limits originally set on the abortion pill regiment. Previously, medical abortions were limited to 7 weeks gestation. However, that limit was removed, meaning that women can now receive medical abortions past 7 weeks.

The original limits set on the use of medication abortion was due to the fact that at later gestations, it can be harder for a woman to completely deliver her dead aborted child. This, in turn, can cause sepsis to develop.

Pro life advocates protested the move, concerned that it would cause more danger to women. Their concerns were dismissed by the pro abortion industry. If the industry had listened to pro life advocates, Amber would still be alive today.

No Checkup Provided

Citing ‘increased access to healthcare’, the FDA also changed the requirements for a follow-up appointment following medication abortion. Instead of requiring a follow-up appointment within 7 days, the FDA moved the follow-up requirement to 14 days. For Amber, however, complications set in five days after her medication abortion.

Follow-up appointments are designed to ensure that a woman’s dead child does not remain in her uterus. If the child’s body does remain in her uterus, it will inevitably cause sepsis. While abortion should never be used as a solution to any problem, if an abortionist does provide an abortion, they at least have an obligation to ensure the procedure doesn’t also kill the mother. However, the FDA changed the regulations and Amber’s abortionist failed to provide an adequate follow-up. Subsequently, Amber developed sepsis—which proved ultimately fatal. Once again, this is a failure on the abortion industry to adequately care for women; this is not a reflection of pro-life activities.

Unnecessary Delay

Once Amber presented with sepsis, she should have received immediate care. In this case, it would have been a dilation and curettage removal procedure. A dilation and curettage procedure can be used as an evacuation procedure to remove an already dead fetus (as in Amber’s case), or it could be used to kill a healthy pre-born baby (an abortion). D/C removal procedures are not banned; only D/C abortions. In fact, not even D/C abortions are banned, if they are necessary to save a woman’s life. Now, again, removing an already deceased child is not an abortion. But this just goes to show the extreme danger of the radical pro-abortion agenda.

Allegedly, the doctors delayed (for 20 hours!) because they were concerned about legal ramifications. But any such concern is fundamentally absurd. Georgian law says that an abortion is permitted if a woman’s health is at imminent risk. Sepsis is fatal if left untreated, so it would certainly count as ‘imminent risk’. Moreover, abortion—the act of directly and intentionally killing a pre-born child—is banned. Anyone can easily see that killing a pre-born child is not the same as removing an already deceased pre-born child. Failure at this point is either indicative of radical ignorance or negligence.

Media Lies and Sensationalism

Pro-abortion radicals have persistently insisted that pro-life bans target necessary emergency care for situations like miscarriage, sepsis, eclampsia, pre-eclampsia, and more. However, pro-life laws and advocates have consistently articulated that this is not the case. The laws also clearly demonstrate that emergency care is protected. Any confusion is purely the result of pro-abortion fear mongering and propaganda; this is the true cause of maternal mortality in post-Roe America.

Political Lies

“We don’t know exactly what caused the delay… the presumption is that what doctors were worried about is that they weren’t quite sure of their legal standing, which is why they delayed care, and that is what caused Amber’s death.” ~

This should horrify everyone. No one actually knows for sure that the delay was caused by confusion or even pro-life regulation. This is merely an ASSUMPTION they are making in order to create fear and control the population. And for what? For the right to kill more pre-born children. This is an outright admission that the political and media pundits are blaming pro-life laws without even knowing for sure that such policies even contributed to the delay! My stomach turns reading this. They have turned Amber into a political pawn and are profiting off of Amber’s tragic death, all the while propagating a falsified narrative that has literally no evidence to back it up. This is beyond sickening.

The fact that this is even a conversation we have to have is revoltingly disturbing. Amber’s death was caused by propaganda and negligence.

We must share the truth and fight for the lives of women and their children; we have an obligation to defend them!

Read more about the FDA’s disregulation of abortion pills here—and remember, it was PRO-LIFE advocates who warned people that this disregulation was dangerous!